Diabetes Management: How lifestyle and daily routine affect blood sugar



Diabetes management requires planning and clear awareness of your condition and body. Understand your body’s cycle and requirements in terms of meals and timings. Diabetes can be handled much better if you work out a healthy lifestyle and routine. Binge eating and drinking, sedentary habits, junk food, excess smoking and drinking are no-no's for a person with diabetes. With some simple adjustments, you can lead a healthy, happy life.

The most important thing for you is to keep a keen check on your blood glucose levels. Use our tips to keep a balanced blood glucose level.

Tips to maintain optimal blood glucose

Watch your food!

When you have diabetes you must analyze what foods suit you and what doesn’t to keep your blood glucose normal.

  1. Learn about the balanced diabetes plate where you take in half portion of greens and fresh veggies and a quarter each of healthy proteins and carbohydrates. Keep to the good fats like polyunsaturated fats found in nut and seed oil. Avoid heavy fats like butter and ghee. Go easy on red meats and stack up with white meat like lean chicken and fish. Add a healthy dose of nuts to your day.

  2. Say NO to junk foods like white flour, chips, popcorn, candies and colas.

  3. Make sure you balance your food intake with your medication or insulin. Taking medicines or insulin without food can lead to a dangerous condition like hypoglycemic coma.

Physical Activity.

Get moving! One of the most important aspects of maintaining the right blood glucose level is physical activity and exercise.

  1. The first thing is to get off the couch and get moving. Take the stairs. Walk that short trip to the grocers.

  2. Know your body and the kind of exercise you can handle. Check out with your doctor before you hit the gym or get into any other kind of rigorous exercise.

  3. Balance a measure of walking with other weight bearing exercises. Throw in some other easy workouts like yoga or Tai Chi.

  4. Do not grumble about housework. Do it and remember you are burning calories.

  5. Before exercising, make sure your sugars are not low. Get plenty of water and a small snack before setting out. Always carry a candy with you on a walk.

  6. Never take your insulin shot and then exercise.

Stick to your meds!

If your doctor has put you on medications or insulin, stick to it.

  1. Never alter your dosage without first consulting the doctor. You can titrate your insulin after you have enough experience.

  2. Always report any side effects to your doctor immediately. Do not wait on this!

  3. If you have been put on medications for other conditions, always check with your doctor before starting.

  4. When you are ill.

    You will need to take extra precautions when you are sick.

    1. If you are unable to keep down food, do not take your insulin. Check with your doctor about dosages.

    2. Always stick to soft, easy-to-digest food when you are sick.

    3. Always drink plenty of water.

    Smoking and alcohol.

    Rule # 1 with diabetes, quit smoking and moderate alcohol.

    No Stress!

    When you have diabetes, cut the stress!

    1. Whether your stress is work-related or related to family and relationships learn to get a handle on it. Work off your stress through yoga, walking or simple meditation.

    2. Be aware that stress can not only raise your blood glucose, it can also lead to high blood pressure.

    Know your hormones.

    Keeping a check on your related-hormone levels can help you take control of your blood glucose too.

    1. Get your endocrine profile tests done annually. This includes a screening for thyroid, cortisol and estrogen/testosterone.

    2. For women, it is important to be aware that blood glucose levels may go high or low before the monthly cycle. Onset of menopause can also impact blood glucose levels. Talk to your doctor and see how best these fluctuations can be managed.

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