Eggs: Are they good or bad for cholesterol?

Are eggs really bad for your cholesterol? This is one of the food myths going around since ages. People are left feeling confused and unsure if they should continue eating eggs. Eggs are a good source of nutrition and contain proteins, vitamins and minerals along with a good measure of omega-3 fats. An egg has about 1.5 g of saturated fat and no trans fat. Eggs also have unsaturated fat which is necessary to stay healthy.

So what should you do?

Understand that a balanced diet can include around 5 eggs per week. The cholesterol in eggs has hardly a huge impact on increasing bad cholesterol. A 2012 study in the Journal of Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care found that people who had eggs in moderation did not experience spikes in LDL cholesterol.

So it can be safely consumed without too much worry. However, do not go for fried eggs. The healthiest way is to boil, poach or scramble eggs. If you are still worried about the yolk, just go for the egg white which is safest. Make a sandwich with egg whites or just eat plain boiled egg whites with a dash of salt and pepper.

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